We are a people that responds to pictures not buttons. When we surf the web we navigate with our eyes then take action with our fingers. The days of interacting with our computers using cryptic commands and command lines were over when Windows became main stream. Our phones are no longer just phones. They are a visual portal into our world on the web and the Apps we use every day and simply take for granted. We are a people of pictures. Remember…. a picture is worth a thousand words!
So why would we ever need physical buttons again? How about when we’re in the dark or a dimly lit room? I’m sitting in my favorite chair watching a program that I’ve previously recorded. It contains commercials. I generally don’t like commercials so I like to skip them. I have a favorite beverage in my left hand. I could set my beverage down, pick up my VUI (Visual User Interface), my iPad (with my customized RTI Panel remote App loaded), fast-forward past the commercials, press Play to start my program, set down my iPad, then pick up my beverage. Complicated, yes. Or, I could simply fast-forward to my program using the Companion Remote in my right hand. I could even do this while sipping the beverage in my left hand. BONUS!!!
It’s simply a natural extension of how we navigate life. Take new automobiles chock full of VUIs AND buttons. We use a VUI to navigate to our destination. We us a VUI to select music, climate, vehicle data such as mileage, etc. We use buttons (like on the steering wheel) to raise/lower volume, select the next program, engage cruise control, and sound the horn, all without ever having to take our eyes off the road. Smart!
The best of both worlds in Home Control and Home Entertainment is to use a VUI to quickly navigate to what we want to do, then use a Hand Remote with buttons to focus in on frequently used operations (Play, Rewind, Skip, Fast-Forward, etc.). Relax and review the following taken from the User Interface section of our website.
iPads, Tablets & iPhones

These are one of the more popular devices we use to build UIs for our clients. There are many reasons for this. They are ubiquitous (lots of people already have and/or are familiar with them) and relatively inexpensive for what you get. The flexibility to present buttons, lists, images and controls in a manner that makes sense to our clients makes this a great choice. We can tailor the presentation of entertainment devices in a manner that makes sense to each user based on their needs for their particular system. These devices are multi-use. They can contain the entertainment App as well as other Apps the client may be used to seeing.
There are many sizes of tablets available. The iPad Mini is a favorite due to its size. It’s comfortable in both small and large hands, both in portrait and landscape mode. The iPad can be adapted for both hand-held and on-wall use with a device that magnetically mounts the iPad to the wall allowing it to charge when docked.
A Smart Phone like the iPhone can also be used but is best for targeted use such as selecting sources and controlling volume and power due to its smaller screen. It is also a device that most clients keep by their side most of the time which speaks of convenience.
Universal Remote – Keys Only

This device is simple and inexpensive. It’s called the Companion Remote. It’s inexpensive as Universal Remotes go. It runs on standard replaceable batteries. It is a specific use device. It is actually designed to be used in conjunction with a tablet for controlling power, volume, transports (play, pause, stop, FF, Skip, FR, Replay), and source selection. Since it has no display the tablet can be used when more information is needed like song, channel, and movie selection. The tactile feel of real keys makes it easy to use without having to look at it unlike the tablet.
As always Home Control Works is here for you. We’re here to make your life a little (or maybe a lot) easier. We’re here to uncomplicate your everyday life. We’re here to make the entertainment time of your day more enjoyable. Ask us. We are experts that listen and recommend the very best solutions for you. Enjoy the day.